Using Tutorials


ThunderFire UX Tool extends Unity's original Text in UXText, adding new features to help interaction designers work more easily with text content and providing a partial interface for engineers to change in code.

How to Use

Hierarchy window Click [Right click->UI->UXText] in the Hierarchy window to create a UXText.

Menu bar Click [GameObject->UI->UXText] in the menu bar to create a UXText as well.

Text Localization

UXText supports text localization function, refer to the Localization feature document for details.


When the text content exceeds the size of the checkbox, the ellipsis will be displayed. You can set the ellipsis on the left or right side by checking the box.

BestFit Adaptive Text Box

Enabling the Adaptive Text Box feature will can adjust the size of the text box to fully accommodate its contents. If this option is disabled, priority will be given to filling the horizontal space until the minimum text size is reached.


You can quick-add Shadow and Outline components to style the texts by clicking the Shadow and Outline buttons.

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